Open Letter: Dear Anxiety
A series of letters; to my greatest fears, biggest struggles, the future, the past and the present.
Over the past years I learned a few tricks that make it easier for me to cope with difficult situations and therefore start the healing process whenever neccesary. While writing has always been my most creative outlet, this form of text has a more specific purpose. In order to find a certain amount of peace of mind I started addressing whatever it is that is occupying my mind.
With a new year around the corner I thought I would start sharing those letters with you. May they help you, amuse you or simply just show you that you are not alone.
A letter to Anxiety
Holiday season has us all busy and stressed. It's an especially difficult time for me to find the balance between happy family and happy mental health. So I took some time to bring the focus back.
Disclaimer: This isn't about struggling. This is about wining and over coming.
Dear Anxiety,
I know it was you. I saw you coming from a mile away.
You never bring reasons, only doubt.
An infinite number of questions about values and worth.
You let me argue with myself, you push me into corners.
You feed on fear that I am no longer willing to give.
I haven't figured out how to say goodbye, yet.
I have not the slightest clue how to leave something behind that has been with me from the start.
All I know is that you might be here, but I will be busy saving myself.
When I feel my living room filled with my friends' laughter,
when I find a note from my brother reminding me to call my mother,
when I hear no harsh words for canceling last minute,
when they grab my hand because they can see it on my face,
when they give me space without disappearing,
when they let me be the way I am and when I let myself be the way I am,
....I know I am enough.
Yours truly,